
Categories: Term Handling

SearchWP’s support for quoted/phrase searching produces results that match the submitted multi-word search exactly. By default, this requires that the visitor wrap the exact match string in double quotes as is the common practice in other search engines. If you would like to force exact match logic to happen for all multi-word searches, we can […]

SearchWP uses stopwords (common words that are not helpful when searching, but can bloat the index) to omit words from its index and therefore ignoring those terms when searching as well. Removing stopwords increases relevance and improves performance. By default SearchWP’s stopwords are global, applying to all Engines. If you have a situation where you […]

A popular feature of some search engines is their ability to automatically apply corrections to search queries when no results are found for the original query. To enable this functionality in SearchWP, enable the Closest Match option on the General Settings page: Alternatively this can be enabled with the searchwp\query\output_suggested_search hook. When this feature is […]

Many times the content to be indexed is visible/editable on the edit screen for the entries you’re working with, but there are also times where you want to append extra data to entries as SearchWP indexes them so as to make that data searchable as well. We can use a couple of SearchWP’s hooks to […]

Using SearchWP’s Shortcode-parsing ability you can control what content is not indexed/searchable. Begin by ensuring that the checkbox to enable Shortcode processing is ticked on the Advanced tab of the SearchWP settings screen. Next we will need to implement a custom Shortcode. For this article we’ll be wrapping the content we want to exclude in […]

When partial matching is enabled, SearchWP will attempt to find partial matches for search terms. Partial matching logic has been implemented in multiple, subsequent levels. This article will explain the internal logic of SearchWP’s partial matching implementation. Level 1: LIKE The first level of partial matches is a standard LIKE partial match, where search terms […]

SearchWP has the ability to use keyword stems instead of the exact terms entered for search queries. Depending on your preference this can greatly enhance search results on your site. Keyword stemming can be enabled when managing the settings for an Engine. Take for example the verb run — if your content has terms such […]

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  • “The power, control, and best-practices coding approaches upon which SearchWP is built make it the best search feature replacement for WordPress I have ever implemented. The people behind this plugin are simply outstanding, and have earned my loyalty.”

  • “Powerful and flexible; excellent for building custom search engines and extending search across custom post types and fields. Intuitive and user-friendly interface; lots of add-ons; excellent API, documentation, and customer support to boot.”

  • “This plugin was a perfect solution for our client’s needs. The technical support that was provided by the SearchWP team was top-notch and they were extremely responsive to my needs and inquiries. Thank you, Elio and the whole team at SearchWP :)”