
Categories: WooCommerce

WooCommerce treats Product Variations differently than Products; they’re separate post types. Products are public and can be utilized in the way we’re used to working with post types, but Product Variations are different in that they’re set up as children of Products, but a different post type. It’s a neat way to set things up, […]

If you’re selling document downloads in your WooCommerce store, it’s possible to have SearchWP index the content of those documents to make it searchable for your customers! Note: this (like all document processing in SearchWP) requires that the WooCommerce Downloadable Product Downloads have been uploaded to the local WordPress Media library. Index WooCommerce Document Content […]

Using a couple of SearchWP’s hooks you can easily incorporate your Product SKUs (including Variation SKUs) into SearchWP searches. We’re going to take advantage of SearchWP’s ability to absorb ‘extra’ data alongside each entry in its index. WooCommerce Products and Product Variations are each a custom post type. Product Variations are essentially children of their […]

WooCommerce Orders contain a lot of information and are sometimes difficult to search effectively. SearchWP can be set up to search WooCommerce Orders quickly. Note: You will need SearchWP’s WooCommerce Integration Extension active for this process. Step 1: Make WooCommerce Orders searchable By default SearchWP will not list WooCommerce Orders as a Source because that […]

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