

This Extension requires a Pro license

Current version: 1.4.3

Download available with active license

Automatically redirect to a specific page when certain searches are performed! While SearchWP will find the most relevant search results for you, there are times where you simply want to help your visitor move directly to a page of your choosing, saving them a click in the process.


SearchWP Redirects is a standalone WordPress plugin that is installed and activated alongside SearchWP. Once activated, you’ll see a new entry on the SearchWP > Settings.

Clicking through to the Redirects settings screen, you’re given full control over how Redirects should automatically guide your visitors depending on search query.


SearchWP Redirects allows you to define:

  • The query string
  • Whether partial matches should be accepted
  • Applicable engine(s) for the redirect
  • Destination URL

This allows you to define a comprehensive set of automatic redirections in response to various searches that can improve your visitor experience:

SearchWP Redirects settings screen

You can add as many Redirects as you’d like, they’re put in place as soon as you save the settings!


If after activating Redirects you see an error message that looks like the following:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/wp-content/plugins/searchwp-redirects/includes/SearchWP_Redirects.php:56) in /var/www/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1195

That means that either your theme or an active plugin has sent output to the browser before Redirects could handle the request. If you are using a supplemental engine please try editing your supplemental engine template so that your call to get_header() occurs after your SearchWP logic. If that doesn’t work, please open a support ticket.



  • [Update] Updated integration with SearchWP Settings pages.
  • [Fix] PHP deprecation notices when using PHP 8.2+.


  • [Fix] Compatibility with SearchWP 4.2.0 and above


  • [New] searchwp_redirects_short_circuit filter to allow short circuiting at runtime
  • [Fix] Not matching redirects in some cases
  • [Fix] Not redirecting in some cases when using a Supplemental Engine
  • [Update] Updated updater


  • [New] Compatibility with SearchWP 4


  • [New] Export/import redirects


  • [New] Redirects are now sortable
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue that prevented saving no redirects
  • [Update] Updated updater


  • [Fix] Fixes an issue that prevented redirects from resolving properly when common words were present


  • [New] Redirects are sorted alphabetically after saving


  • [Fix] Fixes an issue with incorrect destination URLs when WordPress is installed in a subdirectory
  • [Fix] Fixes an issue with slashes being added to queries which would compound over time


  • [Fix] Do not remove destination URL fragments
  • [Update] Updated updater


  • [Fix] Fixed PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in some cases


  • [Fix] Fixed an issue of redirection not taking place in some cases


  • [Improvement] Better handling of complex query strings


  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with query processing when manually triggering Redirects


  • [Fix] Fixed an issue that truncated query parameters on destination URLs


  • [Fix] PHP Warning cleanup


  • [Fix] Fix incorrect usage of site_url() instead of home_url()


  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with common words preventing search matches


  • Initial release

Want to make your search awesome right now?

More than 30,000 sites have chosen SearchWP!

You can utilize all of the content that’s gone unrecognized by native WordPress keyword search instantly with SearchWP.

Get SearchWP for just $99

  • Committed Support
    If you need help, support is fast, friendly, and here for you
  • Streamlined Setup
    Installation and setup that’s optimized for speed
  • Great Documentation
    Helpful, clear, and usable documentation is a priority

See what SearchWP customers have to say

  • “I love that you can do custom loops with it”

  • “I purchased SearchWP for its ability to search inside more than 100 PDF documents on my website. My site visitors are able to see search results with pages, posts and PDFs weighted in my preferred order. Customer support has been very helpful.”

  • “I had some difficulties to get different results if users are logged in or not. Support was more than code snippets. Complete functions were sent to add in the function.php of my child theme. Very competent and very friendly support! -Henner”