Control whether SearchWP overrides native WordPress searches.
Add a modal form like this to your site with SearchWP’s Modal Search Form Extension!
Control whether SearchWP overrides native WordPress searches.
You can utilize all of the content that’s gone unrecognized by native WordPress keyword search instantly with SearchWP.
“With SearchWP you can tweak your search results so you can better target the needs of your site visitors. You have the power to expand your search into custom fields, target specific areas of your site such as taxonomies, post types, and on and on.”
“SearchWP combines an incredible amount of flexibility with a design that makes it easy to use. Its power lies in the near infinite level of customization. Literally every aspect of your content can be assigned a level of importance.”
“SearchWP is hands down, the best Wordpress search plugin I have used. WP’s search, out of the box is rather limited. SearchWP turns the search feature into something intuitive and useful.”