
Hook Tags: match

SearchWP searches for regular expression pattern matches to keep certain strings in tact and avoid tokenization which may reduce the usefulness during search. By default there are a number of common regular expression patterns to extract strings of SKUs, dates, initials, function names, version numbers, and more. You can use this hook to add your […]

By default SearchWP will process only full matches for its regular expression patterns. If you would like SearchWP to also consider partial matches you may enable that behavior with this hook.

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  • “The plugin do all what we need – and the support is GREAT! Helped me in many questions and at PHP-code! THANKS!”

  • “The plugin works exactly as promised. Any questions or issues I had were quickly responded to and had a fairly complex site up and running in hours.”

  • “My company is using Wordpress internally as Knowledge base system. We choose to not use menu and base everything on the search engine like Google does. SearchWP is an extremely efficient tool to find what we need quickly. I would recommend it.”