
Hook Tags: order

Customize the \SearchWP\Mods applied during a search. Note: There are some internal \SearchWP\Mods that may be present for the query. This hook does not allow filtration of those mission critical \SearchWP\Mods, only user-defined \SearchWP\Mods. See also searchwp\query\do_source_db_where for internals.

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  • “SearchWP has worked well for me. At one point, I had a problem with it, and they looked into the problem and came up with a very good fix within a few days. Great service for a great product!”

  • “Having run a site with tons of content in it, search is important to my readers. I’ve tried so many plugins for search that, well, that just didn’t cut it. When I hit upon SearchWP my “search” was over. Excellent results and control.”

  • “I love that you can do custom loops with it”