
Hook Tags: Taxonomy

Manipulate the taxonomy terms for a post prior to indexing. Applies only when the Taxonomy has been included in an Engine. See also searchwp\source\post\attributes\taxonomy\terms to filter all terms at once.

Manipulate the taxonomy terms for a post prior to indexing. Applies only when the Taxonomy has been included in an Engine. See also searchwp\source\post\attributes\taxonomy\term to filter individual terms.

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  • “I had problems with indexing umlauts on a German-language website. SearchWP support found a solution in a very short time. He also quickly found the right solution for my other suggestions. I can highly recommend the plugin.”

  • “With SearchWP you can tweak your search results so you can better target the needs of your site visitors. You have the power to expand your search into custom fields, target specific areas of your site such as taxonomies, post types, and on and on.”

  • “The plugin do all what we need – and the support is GREAT! Helped me in many questions and at PHP-code! THANKS!”