
Hook Tags: threshold

Want to make your search awesome right now?

More than 30,000 sites have chosen SearchWP!

You can utilize all of the content that’s gone unrecognized by native WordPress keyword search instantly with SearchWP.

Get SearchWP for just $99

  • Committed Support
    If you need help, support is fast, friendly, and here for you
  • Streamlined Setup
    Installation and setup that’s optimized for speed
  • Great Documentation
    Helpful, clear, and usable documentation is a priority

See what SearchWP customers have to say

  • “We got SearchWP to allow searching through a large amount of PDF’s. We had some minor issues with a few old ones but essentially it just worked. Also, when we needed it, support has been quick and efficient.”

  • “the plugin does exactly what it says with a dedicated support! highly recommended !”

  • “We have a fairly complex network of sites. SearchWP is able to give us all the features we need. Works with Multisite, allows for multiple indexes, works with FacetWP, provides us granular control of results. In addition–fantastic customer service!”