
Hook Tags: wpmu

Note: This hook is applicable only when manually switching sites in a Multisite environment. SearchWP is able to perform Multisite searches but if you are manually switching sites using switch_to_blog() you must tell SearchWP about it. This does not happen automatically and is an opt-in requirement when using switch_to_blog()! Without this hook in place, SearchWP […]

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  • “I used SearchWP to index 40,000 images by a National Geographic photographer. It did a great job; the plugin has great hooks and filters; the documentation is excellent; and the developer was helpful. Thanks!”

  • “SearchWP is the booster WP needs. It converts search in what it should be. Great plugin!”

  • “Search is sort of important to Google. It’s also essential to the users on your own site. If your users are searching for something on your site and don’t find it, they’re likely going to get upset and leave your site. SearchWP fixes everything.”