
Search Custom Fields and Taxonomy Terms

Native WordPress Search will only consider entry Title, Content, and Excerpt when it finds results. Limiting search results to those three attributes means that your site visitors are likely not finding the content they’re looking for.

With plugins like Advanced Custom Fields having well over 1 million active installs it’s no secret that a lot of valuable search terms are being ignored by WordPress native search.

SearchWP integrates with any plugin that stores data using Custom Fields (post meta) including:

Taxonomy terms (Categories, Tags) also make excellent search keywords and can likely be considered to have more search relevance than content keywords because terms are meant to represent the entry as a whole.

Screenshot of Source Attribute management

Pick and choose which Attributes to consider for each Source

SearchWP considers Custom Fields and Taxonomy Terms when performing searches. You can pick/choose which Custom Fields and Taxonomies make sense to search, and give each its own relevance weight.

Screenshot highlighting weight adjustment

Assign relevance to individual Attributes

Note that SearchWP works like you do: there’s an option to use ‘Any Custom Field’ as a single attribute, allowing you to consider content entered in any custom field for that entry. You can also opt to give more weight to Tags over Categories if your Tags usually have more pointed terms than Categories which are usually a bit more generic.

Find out more

There is much more to explain about how SearchWP finds more relevant results than native WordPress search. Here is some additional documentation to check out:

Want to make your search awesome right now?

More than 30,000 sites have chosen SearchWP!

You can utilize all of the content that’s gone unrecognized by native WordPress keyword search instantly with SearchWP.

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See what SearchWP customers have to say

  • “SeachWP is easy to set up and has all the customizing I need to help my clients deliver a better search experience than the native WP search functionality. It also has great analytics that help their content strategy.”

  • “I purchased Search WP for my site but I have limited coding abilities so I was having some difficulties and the Search WP support team went above and beyond to make sure my search functions were working perfectly, best support I’ve ever received!!”

  • “We have been looking for a solution that also includes a similarity search and typo correction. With SearchWP we have found exactly that. Download, install, done.”