
Category: Extensions

Version 1.8.0 of Shortcodes has been released. There are three new Shortcodes available in this release! Full changelog: [New] New Shortcode searchwp_search_results_paginate_links for paginated links [New] New Shortcode searchwp_search_result_image for result Featured Image output [New] New Shortcode searchwp_search_result_permalink for result permalink output [Update] Updated updater

SearchWP’s Related Extension has just been updated to version 1.3 and is now available to all active license holders. This is primarily a bug fix and optimization release but it also includes a new feature that allows you to specify individual entries you’d like to force to include for specific entries: This allows you to […]

One of SearchWP’s most popular Extensions, Live Ajax Search, has been updated to version 1.4. This update is available to all users as this Extension has been made publicly available on for anyone using WordPress ? In this update the live requests are better optimized (and cancelled when applicable) and updates some accessibility features […]

Version 1.3 of Redirects has been made available to all Pro and Pro Plus license holders. Updates include: Redirects are now sortable You can now import/export your Redirects Fixes an issue that prevented saving an empty list of Redirects Updated the updater!

Version 1.6 of Shortcodes has been made available to all active license holders. This release has a few updates to consider: [New] New Shortcode: searchwp_total_results to output the total number of search results [New] Adds placeholder argument to searchwp_search_form Shortcode [Update] Updated updater

WP Job Manager Integration has been updated to version 1.5.15 with a few updates and fixes: [Fix] Better support for searchwp_wpjmi_hijack_job_listing_search hook [Fix] PHP Warning [Fix] Trigger index after front end submissions [Update] Updated updater

Term Archive Priority has been updated to version 1.1.7 with a few fixes: [Fix] Number of arguments passed to searchwp_term_archive_term_args [Fix] Fatal Error when SearchWP is not active [Fix] Check for SearchWP core partial matching setting

Providing great search results is priority 1 for SearchWP. The Extensions available aim to enhance the search experience on your site as well, and the latest Extension release aims to make integrating a great looking search form into your site as easy as possible. Modal Search Form is the easiest way to you to add […]

A new Extension has been released: Custom Results Order! This extension was designed and built to help you manually curate results generated by SearchWP. Why is it necessary? If SearchWP was originally built to return the most relevant results, why is this Extension necessary at all? SearchWP does return the most relevant results it can […]

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See what SearchWP customers have to say

  • “I had some difficulties to get different results if users are logged in or not. Support was more than code snippets. Complete functions were sent to add in the function.php of my child theme. Very competent and very friendly support! -Henner”

  • “SearchWP is the best of multiple search plugins I’ve tried. Running a complex content site, being able to rank types of content differently, or even have a separate search engine with its own index for a more specific part of the site, is invaluable.”

  • “This plugin is awesome! I can easily manipulate the search results without coding. It’s easy to use and easy to configure. I wish all plugins were like this. This plugin just works.”