

A recent episode of the Indie Hackers podcast, Fame, Focus, and Billions of Pageviews with Evan Britton of Famous Birthdays focused on the story behind a website called Famous Birthdays. The overview is in part as follows:

Evan Britton runs a massive website focused on digital celebrities called Famous Birthdays. It gets multiple billions of pageviews a year, has dozens of employees, and he bootstrapped it to profitability without raising a dime from investors. They key to Evan’s approach is his laser focus.

What was most striking about this interview was how many times on-site search was cited as a reason for the site’s success. Evan mentioned time and time again that the reason he was able to build and grow his website into a massive success was because he observed on-site search behavior of his visitors.

When a visitor of your site performs a search, they are telling you exactly what they’re looking for. There is no amount of targeted advertising that’s going to accomplish that feat.

By observing trends in on-site visitor searches, Evan was able to react accordingly and press into the content that his visitors were actively looking for.

SearchWP fully stands behind observing on-site search behavior and using it as a primary actionable data stream for you to observe. It’s taken so seriously in fact that there is a SearchWP Extension fully devoted to help you analyze your on-site search Metrics!

The podcast interview is great, and if you haven’t been utilizing SearchWP’s Metrics or Statistics to analyze the search patterns of your visitors, you can start today!

Want to make your search awesome right now?

More than 30,000 sites have chosen SearchWP!

You can utilize all of the content that’s gone unrecognized by native WordPress keyword search instantly with SearchWP.

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  • “I approached the support team with an idea for a customised implementation of the SearchWP weighting system. I was really just looking for a point in the right direction, but Jon went above and beyond all expectations to help me.”

  • “We use SearchWP also on pages with a great number of subpages, articles, custom post types and fields. SearchWP works always reliable and offers great statistics for the admins – we love it.”

  • “SearchWP lets you easily configure a custom search engine placing more or less emphasis on whatever fields and post types that you want. Very clean interface. Super helpful plugin. Thanks!”