
Categories: Indexer

Not by default, no. You can however teach SearchWP to index any content you would like (including Author information)

Yes! SearchWP has built-in support for Sources that store data in custom database tables. For more information please review this documentation: \SearchWP\Source

Yes! There is a bbPress Integration Extension that allows bbPress content to be indexed by SearchWP.

Yes! It tries its best. SearchWP will attempt to index all PDFs that contain plain text. It is impossible to guarantee that every PDF can be indexed. If you cannot highlight the text within your PDF, SearchWP cannot read it. Further, if your PDF is encrypted, SearchWP cannot read it. In all cases, you are […]

Yes! Users and User data can be added to any Supplemental Engine. Because WordPress does not natively facilitate User searching, a Supplemental Engine must be used.

SearchWP is based upon a search algorithm based on keyword matches. Upon activation the plugin builds its own index based on terms used in your content. Searches are based on weighted keyword matching. Certain extensions may enhance this behavior, but the foundational principle of SearchWP is keyword matching. For more information please see How SearchWP Works

NO. SearchWP requires that PDFs & documents be uploaded to your WordPress Media library. In order for SearchWP to index and return results, each entry must have it’s own canonical, WordPress-provided object ID. This ID is assigned when files are uploaded to the Media library, and is essential for SearchWP. If you are using a […]

SearchWP both operates in a multisite environment and can perform cross-site searches. In order to activate your license for each site within the network, the license must accommodate the total number of sites within your multisite installation.

Yes! SearchWP will restrict search results to search phrases that have been wrapped in double quotes. There are some limitations however: find out more about exact match search results.

SearchWP’s indexer is not a crawler. That is to say it does not operate like many search engines (e.g. Google) and it does not load pages of your website to index content. The indexer pulls data directly from the database.

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More than 30,000 sites have chosen SearchWP!

You can utilize all of the content that’s gone unrecognized by native WordPress keyword search instantly with SearchWP.

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  • Great Documentation
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See what SearchWP customers have to say

  • “We needed to index a website with lots of page content and woocommerce products. SearchWP delivers a lot of useful default functions and setting up was easy with the help of the extensive documentation.”

  • “SearchWP searches custom attributes. This is what I needed primarily for my client.”

  • “The SearchWP plugin is a necessity for anyone building out document libraries because it seamlessly searches PDF files. The Search Term Highlighting add-on is also pretty slick.”