Manipulate tokens both when indexing and searching.
Add a modal form like this to your site with SearchWP’s Modal Search Form Extension!
Manipulate tokens both when indexing and searching.
Customize the native object of a \SearchWP\Entry.
Customize an \SearchWP\Entry before it is indexed.
Customize extracted document content.
Customize Source Attribute Label
Manipulate Custom Field (postmeta) data for a single Custom Field before it is indexed. See also searchwp\source\post\attributes\meta\${meta_key} for all Custom Fields.
Manipulate Custom Field (postmeta) data before it is indexed. See also searchwp\source\post\attributes\meta\${meta_key} for a single Custom Field.
Customize a Comment before it is indexed.
Customize post content prior to it being indexed.
SearchWP uses Synonyms to both optimize the index and increase relevancy of search results. The primary method of customizing the list of Synonyms is by way of the Settings tab of the SearchWP Settings screen. You can however programmatically filter Synonyms as well.
You can utilize all of the content that’s gone unrecognized by native WordPress keyword search instantly with SearchWP.
“SearchWP searches custom attributes. This is what I needed primarily for my client.”
“I used SearchWP to index 40,000 images by a National Geographic photographer. It did a great job; the plugin has great hooks and filters; the documentation is excellent; and the developer was helpful. Thanks!”
“I like SearchWP because its intuitive to use. It has simple straight forward settings. Its fast and it works. The results are great, and I also recognize that other value-add plugins are integrating with SearchWP. I have received great support.”