
Hook Tags: empty

SearchWP uses Stopwords to both optimize the index and increase relevancy of search results. The primary method of customizing the list of Stopwords is by way of the Settings tab of the SearchWP Settings screen. You can however programmatically filter Stopwords as well.

This action is fired any time the Index is reset, just prior to the rebuilding job is triggered.

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See what SearchWP customers have to say

  • “I’ve used SearchWP for years. Recently I had a problem getting SearchWP to index on new hosting. After other troubleshooting, Jonathan cloned my site and confirmed that the problem was not the site. I moved to new hosting and it indexed.”

  • “With SearchWP, you can add weight to categories, tags, taxonomies and even custom fields. This yields a much better and richer search than the basic WP search. My clients love it.”

  • “We’ve been using SearchWP on our Knowledge Base for the past few months, and it has made a significant difference for our clients. It’s helped reduce the number of support tickets because people can find what they’re looking for, and we also love the metrics and seeing trends in searches. If you want people to find things on your site, it’s the best and I highly recommend SearchWP!”