
Hook Tags: expression

SearchWP searches for regular expression pattern matches to keep certain strings in tact and avoid tokenization which may reduce the usefulness during search. By default there are a number of common regular expression patterns to extract strings of SKUs, dates, initials, function names, version numbers, and more. You can use this hook to add your […]

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  • “I had problems with indexing umlauts on a German-language website. SearchWP support found a solution in a very short time. He also quickly found the right solution for my other suggestions. I can highly recommend the plugin.”

  • “The plugin do all what we need – and the support is GREAT! Helped me in many questions and at PHP-code! THANKS!”

  • “The power, control, and best-practices coding approaches upon which SearchWP is built make it the best search feature replacement for WordPress I have ever implemented. The people behind this plugin are simply outstanding, and have earned my loyalty.”