
Hook Tags: Post

Control the considered post stati for \WP_Post-based Sources. Note that in order for this hook to properly take effect you must understand how SearchWP’s Index works. The Index represents the ‘maximum’ pool of potential results, and Queries are run against that Index to limit the entries returned. That said, in order to customize which post […]

Manipulate the taxonomy terms for a post prior to indexing. Applies only when the Taxonomy has been included in an Engine. See also searchwp\source\post\attributes\taxonomy\terms to filter all terms at once.

Manipulate the taxonomy terms for a post prior to indexing. Applies only when the Taxonomy has been included in an Engine. See also searchwp\source\post\attributes\taxonomy\term to filter individual terms.

Manipulate Custom Field (postmeta) data for a single Custom Field before it is indexed. See also searchwp\source\post\attributes\meta\${meta_key} for all Custom Fields.

Manipulate Custom Field (postmeta) data before it is indexed. See also searchwp\source\post\attributes\meta\${meta_key} for a single Custom Field.

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  • “Easy to setup and tweak to your needs. Hooks and filters make it easily extendable.”

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