
Hook Tags: token

SearchWP searches for regular expression pattern matches to keep certain strings in tact and avoid tokenization which may reduce the usefulness during search. By default there are a number of common regular expression patterns to extract strings of SKUs, dates, initials, function names, version numbers, and more. You can use this hook to add your […]

By default SearchWP will generate tokens in batches of 500 maximum. If you feel your server is capable of doing more than that, increasing this limit may improve performance of the indexing process. This hook can also be used to reduce the number of tokens generated per patch in case you are having trouble with […]

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  • “We have been looking for a solution that also includes a similarity search and typo correction. With SearchWP we have found exactly that. Download, install, done.”

  • “My developer recommended this plugin as I quickly found out that WooCommerce was not properly finding products when I would put in a search term! I took him up on his recommendation and haven’t looked back! This is a great plugin! Love it!!”

  • “Search is sort of important to Google. It’s also essential to the users on your own site. If your users are searching for something on your site and don’t find it, they’re likely going to get upset and leave your site. SearchWP fixes everything.”