

How to Hide WooCommerce Product from Search Results (No Coding)

Are you wondering how to hide WooCommerce products from search results?

It’ll help you clean up the search results on your site of outdated or redundant products and allow your customers to find what they’re looking for faster.

In this detailed tutorial, we’ll show you how you can exclude both specific WooCommerce products and entire product categories from search results on your site.

Here’s a table of contents to help you navigate it:

Let’s begin!

By hiding specific products from search results on your site, you can:

  • Clean up your search results. Remove outdated or redundant products from the search results on your site to make it easier to navigate your store.
  • Boost your pageviews and sales. The easier it is for users to find what they are looking for on your site, the more sales you’ll get.
  • Protect sensitive content. Hide products intended for a limited range of users from public search results on your site.
  • Get better control over your inventory. Exclude wholesale products and special offers from your search results with a few clicks.

With that, let’s see how you can hide specific WooCommerce products in your search results.

The easiest way to exclude any products from search results on your site is to use SearchWP.

SearchWP logo

SearchWP is the best WordPress search plugin that has seamless integration with WooCommerce.

Using it, you can hide any WooCommerce product from search results in a few clicks and completely customize how search works on your site.

For example, with SearchWP, you can make various product attributes searchable, display search results in live mode, control the order of search results, and more.

Over 30,000 WordPress website owners already use SearchWP to enhance their search and deliver more relevant content to their visitors.

Here are some other SearchWP features that make this plugin stand out:

  • Track searches of your customers. Monitor what customers are searching for on your site to predict their needs and give them the right products.
  • Highlight search terms in search results. Make search terms more visible in the search results on your site so that visitors can immediately see if they’ve found what they want.
  • Enable search by product tags. Let your customers perform searches by product tags to make it easier for them to browse your store and increase your sales.
  • Limit search to WooCommerce products only. Exclude posts and pages from search on your site so that nothing disturbs your visitors from shopping.

Once you’ve learned why SearchWP is the #1 WordPress search plugin, let’s move on to how you can use it.

First, let’s see how you can hide a specific product from appearing in search results on your site.

Step 1: Install and Activate SearchWP on Your Site

To begin, you’ll need to get your copy of SearchWP.

Next, log in to your SearchWP dashboard and go to the Downloads tab.

go to the Downloads tab

Once there, press the Download SearchWP button. It’ll start downloading the SearchWP ZIP file to your computer.

press Download SearchWP

When you’re finished downloading, copy your SearchWP license key on the bottom left corner of the same tab. You’ll need this key further to activate your copy of the plugin.

copy your license key

The following step is to upload the downloaded ZIP file to your site and install SearchWP.

Feel free to check out how to install a WordPress plugin tutorial if you need help with that.

Upon installing the plugin on your site, you’ll need to activate it with a license key.

To do that, go to your WordPress dashboard and click Activate License under SearchWP at the top panel.

press Activate License

Then, paste your SearchWP license key into the License field and click Activate.

click Activate

After activating your license, you’ll need to install SearchWP extensions that allow you to hide WooCommerce products from search results.

Step 2: Install WooCommerce Integration Extension

To get started, navigate to SearchWP » Extensions in your WordPress dashboard.

go to the Extensions tab

Here you will find SearchWP extensions that you can install to further extend the plugin functionality.

SearchWP extensions

The first extension you’ll need to install is the WooCommerce Integration extension.

It ensures seamless WooCommerce integration with SearchWP, so you can fully customize search in your store.

Once you find the WooCommerce Integration extension, click Install in its section.

install the WooCommerce extensions

The next step is to install another extension called Exclude UI.

Step 3: Install Exclude UI extension

This extension adds the “Exclude from search” checkbox to the post and page editor. By ticking this checkbox, you can hide any page from search with a single click.

To install the Exclude UI extension, find it on the Extensions tab and click Install under its section.

install the Exclude UI extension

After installing the extensions, you’re ready to start hiding WooCommerce products from search results.

Step 4: Choose the Product You Want to Hide

To get started, navigate to Products in your WordPress dashboard.

navigate to Products

Then, click on a product you want to hide from appearing in search. For example, let’s say we want to hide Red Beanie from search on our test site.

open a product

Once you get to the product editor, tick the Exclude from search checkbox on the right panel.

tick the Exclude from search checkbox

When you’re done, press Update to save your changes.

press Update

You just successfully excluded this specific WooCommerce product from search results on your site.

Let’s make sure it doesn’t show up in search anymore.

Step 5: Test Your New WooCommerce Search

To do that, go to your site and search for the product you’ve hidden from the search results. In our case, it’ll be a red beanie.

click Find Results

As you can see, there are no results for the “red beanie” search term.

there are no search results

It means that this hidden product doesn’t appear in search results on our test site anymore.

How to Hide WooCommerce Products By a Specific Category

You can also specify which WooCommerce categories you want to hide from search results.

Step 1: Install and Activate SearchWP

The first step is to install and activate SearchWP on your site.

Step 2: Install WooCommerce Integration Extension

Then, install and activate the SearchWP WooCommerce Integration extension.

Step 3: Choose the Product Category You Want to Hide

After you’ve activated the plugin and extension on your site, you’re ready to start customizing your search engine to hide a specific product category from search.

To get started, click SearchWP on the left panel of your WordPress dashboard.

go to SearchWP

After that, you’ll get to the Engines tab in SearchWP settings. On this tab, you can manage your search engines created with SearchWP.

your search engine

A search engine contains rules that WordPress follows when performing searches on your site. You can edit these rules to customize the search behavior on your site to meet your business needs.

For example, you can manage search sources, adjust the relevance weight of attributes, limit search to a specific type of content, and many more.

To exclude a specific WooCommerce category from search results, you first need to add WooCommerce products as a search source to your search engine.

To get started, click Sources & Settings under the Default search engine section.

click Sources and Settings

Then, make active the checkbox next to the Products search source.

check the Products search source

When you’re finished, click Done to save the changes.

press Done

The next step is to add a rule for WordPress not to display a specific product category in search.

To do that, click Edit Rules under the Products search source section.

click Edit Rules

Then, click Add Rule.

click Add Rule

Once you get to the rules editor, click on Only show entities if: item and change it to Exclude entries if:.

choose exclude entries if

Next, click on the Product type field and change it to Product categories.

choose Product Categories

After that, enter the name of a WooCommerce product category you want to exclude from the search in the rightmost field.

For example, we’ll enter “Accessories”.

add a category

When you’ve finished managing categories you prefer not to appear in search results on your site, press Done to save your new rules.

press Done when you're finished

The final step is to save all the changes you’ve made to your search engine. To do that, click the Save Engines button in the upper right corner.

click Save Engines

After that, click the Rebuild Index button to make WordPress reindex your products and apply the new search rules.

click Rebuild Index

The last thing you need to do is check your new search and make sure that your WooCommerce category is no longer showing up in the search.

Step 4: Test Your New WooCommerce Search

To do that, go to your site and search for some products from this category.

For example, we’ll search for the “fancy sunglasses” product, which is placed in the “Accessories” category on our test site.

search for product

As you can see, there are no search results for this search query.

there are no results again

Let’s also try to search for another product called ”golden earrings“ placed in the same category.

make another search

Again, no results. It means that we successfully excluded all products from this category from search results on our site.

we didn't find anything

From this guide, you learned how to hide WooCommerce products from search results in a few easy steps.

It’ll help you deliver more accurate search results to your customers, improve the quality of your search, and increase your sales.

Ready to boost your WooCommerce search and grow your business? You can get started with SearchWP here.

Want to add a live Ajax search to your WooCommerce store? Follow our detailed guide on how to add Ajax search to WooCommerce in a few simple steps.

Looking for a way to make WooCommerce product tags searchable on your site? Check out our how to search by product tags in WooCommerce tutorial.

Want to make your search awesome right now?

More than 30,000 sites have chosen SearchWP!

You can utilize all of the content that’s gone unrecognized by native WordPress keyword search instantly with SearchWP.

Get SearchWP for just $99

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See what SearchWP customers have to say

  • “SeachWP is easy to set up and has all the customizing I need to help my clients deliver a better search experience than the native WP search functionality. It also has great analytics that help their content strategy.”

  • “This plugin was a perfect solution for our client’s needs. The technical support that was provided by the SearchWP team was top-notch and they were extremely responsive to my needs and inquiries. Thank you, Elio and the whole team at SearchWP :)”

  • “I had problems with indexing umlauts on a German-language website. SearchWP support found a solution in a very short time. He also quickly found the right solution for my other suggestions. I can highly recommend the plugin.”