

As of March 4, 2016 licenses will automatically renew

As of March 4, 2016 there will be a slight change to the purchase terms for SearchWP.

Automatic renewals for license keys

To date, SearchWP licenses expire on an annual basis. Notifications are sent out leading up to the expiration date and customers are given the option to renew their license for another year at a discounted rate. An active license entitles customers to support, automatic updates, and extension downloads.

Having to manually renew the license is a burden placed on SearchWP customers. On March 4, new purchases of a SearchWP license will be enrolled in an auto-renewing subscription.

For customers who do not wish to automatically renew their license the subscription can be cancelled from your Account page at any time.


If you have a license that was purchased prior to March 4, 2016 please read the following:

Your existing license will not automatically renew unless you extend your license manually.

If you choose to renew your license, your subscription will begin today and you will be charged the renewal price today and license expiration date will then be pushed out one year from it’s original date.

One year from today, you will be charged again based on your active subscription. Your license expiration will again be pushed out another year. This cycle will continue until you cancel your subscription.

In other words: when you renew your license, you will be charged on the date dictated by your subscription, and your license date will be further pushed into the future.

Even though these dates may not match, your license date will always extend further than your subscription, so if you do cancel your subscription, your license will remain active until it’s original expiration date, even though your subscription is inactive.

TL;DR: Your subscription date will now be the date you are charged for SearchWP, not the license expiration date, but the license will remain active until it’s expiration even if you cancel your subscription.



Will existing license keys be made to automatically renew?

No. There will be no changes made to existing customers licenses.

Can I update my license to automatically renew?

Yes! To implement auto-renewal on your license simply visit your Account page and renew or extend your license. Once checkout is complete your license will automatically renew at the proper time.

What if I do not want a subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time after purchase. Once cancelled, your license key will not renew automatically and will expire at the proper date. Once expired you will no longer receive support, updates, or have access to extension downloads. You can manually renew your license at any time to reactivate your subscription.

I have more questions!

By all means please contact me.

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See what SearchWP customers have to say

  • “I purchased SearchWP for its ability to search inside more than 100 PDF documents on my website. My site visitors are able to see search results with pages, posts and PDFs weighted in my preferred order. Customer support has been very helpful.”

  • “Outstanding support. We were able to get really good tailored search results using SearchWP. Give it a go and if you get stuck, use the FAQs and support and you’ll be fine.”

  • “The ability to setup search engines specific to my custom post types is so badass! Combine that with the awesome related posts extension… beautiful match. Nice work!”