SearchWP Documentation

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Changelog (v4)

Note: This documentation is for SearchWP Plugin
Extensions changelog is available here


  • [New] Weekly Email Summaries.
  • [New] Added option to set pagination labels for SearchWP Templates.
  • [New] New filter to disable the Advanced Custom Fields suggestions in the Engine settings.
  • [New] New Relevance tab in the Debugging Console showing relevance for every search result.
  • [Change] Use field name if field label is not set for ACF fields in the Engine settings.
  • [Change] 'searchwp\\index\\process\\enabled' filter overrides the Pause Indexing setting.
  • [Change] SWP_Query sorting prioritizes URL arguments, then request arguments, then defaults.
  • [Change] Optimised Divi theme integration.
  • [Change] Improved loading of Stopwords in the Global Settings page.
  • [Change] Better performance for partial matches in some cases.
  • [Change] Added multisite support to SearchWP Templates.
  • [Change] Added responsive grid sizing to the results templates.
  • [Change] Dropped support for legacy extensions asset loading.
  • [Fix] Advanced Custom Fields repeatable children not indexed correctly.
  • [Fix] AND logic not working if synonyms are capitalised or have accents.
  • [Fix] PHP error if Weight Transfer ID doesn't exit.
  • [Fix] Ignore delta updates during WP All Import imports.
  • [Fix] "true" and "false" search strings converted to boolean in some cases.


  • [Change] Improved license handling.
  • [Fix] Indexer running even when paused in some cases.


  • [New] Onboarding Wizard to simplify the initial setup.
  • [Change] Added an attribute to Search Forms to support non-default engine in Live Ajax Search.
  • [Change] SearchWP Results template supports Metrics click tracking.
  • [Update] Translation files.
  • [Fix] SearchWP Results template produces errors in some cases when working with custom sources.


  • [Fix] Search Form with Default engine and Default results page produces no results in some cases.


  • [Change] Supplemental Engines with no custom Sources can use the Default results page in Search Forms.
  • [Fix] Installation error on some systems triggered by hidden system files.


  • [Fix] PHP error in some admin pages.


  • [New] Product education sections are added throughout the admin area to showcase available SearchWP features.
  • [New] Deprecated extension notices are added to inform the admin and provide the alternatives.
  • [Change] Numerous feature descriptions are rephrased to explain the features better.
  • [Change] Documentation links are added to multiple features to provide additional context.
  • [Change] SearchWP begins indexing website content automatically once activated for the first time.
  • [Fix] Search Form doesn\'t show on the search page if manually included.
  • [Fix] Posts are not dropped entirely from the index when taxonomies are updated.
  • [Fix] PHP error in some edge cases when Users are updated.


  • [Improvement] Moved the Source Author attribute for better UI/UX.
  • [Fix] Call to undefined function mysql_get_server_info() error in WP 6.4.
  • [Fix] Quoted searches not working on custom fields when wildcards are used.
  • [Fix] Highlighter not working with terms that include special characters in some cases.


  • [Improvement] Update Media Source labels to match WordPress labels.
  • [Improvement] Reindex Media files when changes are made on Media Library quick edits.
  • [Change] SearchWP results page empty search logic is changed to match the Default results page logic.
  • [Fix] MySQL error if there are no valid tokens.
  • [Fix] PHP error when attempting to encode cookies that store an array as its value.


  • [Fix] Search Results page \'searchwp\' parameter interferes with the custom templates.


  • [New] Customizable SearchWP Search Results page.
  • [Change] Add Search Form setting to change button label.
  • [Fix] PHP error when attempting to encode the cookies in some cases.


  • [Change] Make the Search Form button label translatable.
  • [Update] Translation files.
  • [Fix] PHP error when a taxonomy term is updated if the taxonomy is an Engine source attribute.


  • [New] Post Author added as an engine source attribute.
  • [Improvement] Added filter for Closest Match notice text.
  • [Improvement] Added support for SVG images.
  • [Improvement] Only log statistics for the first page of results.
  • [Change] Exclude taxonomy sources from default new engine settings.
  • [Change] Order results by relevance first and post date after on empty native searches.
  • [Change] Add a specific notice to the Engines page when the indexer is paused.
  • [Update] Documentation links.
  • [Update] Translation files.
  • [Fix] PHP error if a site uses cookies with forbidden characters.
  • [Fix] Call to a member function on bool when using WP CLI commands.
  • [Fix] Empty searches running slow.
  • [Fix] PHP notice for deprecated use of stripos.
  • [Fix] Invalid category console notice in block editor if Modal Form extension is inactive.
  • [Fix] NOT IN condition on Media rules doesn\'t apply.


  • [New] Taxonomy Source is added to the Engines configuration.
  • [Change] Replace site_url with home_url in Search Form action on the frontend.
  • [Update] Translation files.
  • [Fix] Empty search queries are logged into the statistics.
  • [Fix] Highlighting is not working if a searched keyword is followed by special characters in the original text.
  • [Fix] Search Form \"Type of search\" setting affects search results only when Advanced Search is enabled.
  • [Fix] Search Form is not rendering on search results page in some cases.
  • [Fix] PHP notice on Search Form render if a category was saved in form settings but deleted from WP.
  • [Fix] The whole excerpt gets highlighted on empty search if the \"Highlight Terms\" setting is enabled.


  • [New] Embeddable Search Forms for a customized search experience
  • [Improvement] Better handling of Synonyms partial matches
  • [Change] SearchWP query runs for empty searches to adhere to engine restrictions


  • [Fix] \"Did you mean?\" feature prevents stemming from working
  • [Fix] Strict AND logic set via the filter allows OR results
  • [Fix] Partial matches use a wildcard when it is not needed
  • [Fix] ACF suggestions are missing from the Custom Fields dropdown in the Source Attributes modal
  • [Fix] Settings in the Misc tab are not saving in some cases
  • [Fix] Statistics page shows UI which cannot be used by users with Statistics capability
  • [Fix] Notifications icon is shown to users who cannot use it because of capability restrictions
  • [Fix] Minor styling issues in the plugin settings


  • [Improvement] Admin settings UI redesign


  • [New] Debugging Console to view debugging data in a browser panel style
  • [Improvement] Prevent page slowdown when a taxonomy term is updated
  • [Improvement] Set default value for Post Excerpt weight to a minimum
  • [Improvement] Updated Stemmer library for better keyword stemming and PHP 8 compatibility
  • [Improvement] Updated PdfParser library for better PDF parsing
  • [Fix] \"Vue is in development mode\" console notice on the Settings screen
  • [Fix] Deprecation notices on PHP 8.2
  • [Fix] Plugin text domain is not loading properly


  • [New] In-plugin notification system to get the latest updates from SearchWP


  • [Improvement] Highlighter gives precedence to exact phrase search if present
  • [Improvement] Reduced memory usage when generating the excerpt
  • [Fix] Stemming prevents partial matches in some cases
  • [Fix] Highlighting not working with quoted searches in some cases


  • [Improvement] Improved AJAX actions security
  • [Improvement] Updated the PdfParser library for better PDF parsing and improved compatibility
  • [Fix] Engines errors are not accessible by external code because of the private visibility
  • [Fix] License gets deactivated periodically for some rare server configurations


  • [Improvement] Exclude taxonomy name from indexed taxonomy term fields
  • [Improvement] Do not index the image src attribute in the post content by default
  • [Fix] No post type exists check during SWP_Query query
  • [Fix] Existing SWP_Query post type can be overridden with $_REQUEST
  • [Fix] Synonyms and stemming affecting AND logic query


  • [Improvement] Better handling of quoted phrases in synonyms
  • [Fix] Synonyms not working with non-ASCII strings
  • [Fix] Max nesting function when synonyms are applied
  • [Fix] Synonyms are not case-insensitive
  • [Fix] Synonyms affecting the stemming functionality
  • [Fix] Metrics related click tracking error in multisite environment
  • [Fix] Merging words during HTML content tokenization if is used in the content
  • [Fix] Hiding SearchWP admin menu via the hook leaves a link to it in the admin bar menu
  • [Fix] MySQL error if engine sources have no attributes
  • [Fix] Error if \'s\' parameter in the request is not a string
  • [Fix] Warning if a custom field is added to the Users in the engine settings
  • [Fix] Return type compatibility notice in PHP 8.1 for jsonSerialize() method


  • [Improvement] Performance improvement when getting \'post__in\' and \'post__not_in\' ids
  • [Fix] Synonyms work incorrectly when AND search logic is applied
  • [Fix] Posts are not dropped from the index when a taxonomy term is updated
  • [Fix] Quoted searches give too broad results on custom fields
  • [Fix] Quoted searches query has redundant subqueries
  • [Fix] Cross-site search limited results if \"all\" is passed as site args


  • [New] Extensions admin page to install, activate and deactivate SearchWP extensions in one click
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement when getting engines configuration
  • [Fix] Search terms highlighting doesn\'t work well with quoted searches
  • [Fix] Posts are not dropped from the index when a taxonomy term is deleted from the site
  • [Fix] Stemming prevents partial matches in some cases
  • [Fix] Search terms highlighting give unexpected results with partial matches


  • [Fix] Edited document content is not preserved
  • [Fix] Broken URLs for the redirects to the legacy admin settings
  • [Fix] Class prefixing error in smalot/pdfparser lib
  • [Fix] PHP7 static code analyzer error in symfony/polyfill-mbstring lib


  • [Change] Plugin settings moved to the top-level menu
  • [Fix] Undefined function error during the \'index\' CLI command execution
  • [Fix] Merging words in some cases during HTML content tokenization


  • [Fix] Synonym application too broad in some cases
  • [Fix] Document content reindexing in some cases
  • [Fix] Missing method reference in Comment source
  • [Fix] Forced phrase search returns no results if the search string doesn\'t contain non-phrase tokens
  • [Improvement] Search string normalization
  • [Improvement] String highlight application when synonyms are applied
  • [Improvement] Handling of double quotes in synonym logic in some cases


  • [Improvement] Apply AND logic when applicable during quoted search query
  • [Fix] Default application of \'Did you mean?\' functionality in some cases
  • [Fix] Regression introduced in 4.1.19 that prevented some results from displaying in some cases
  • [New] Filter searchwp\\native\\args\\post_type to modify native search post type when necessary


  • [Change] Synonym processing now stops after first application unless searchwp\\synonyms\\aggressive filter returns false
  • [Fix] Global excerpt and highlighting process now uses original search string, disregarding any filtration in some cases


  • [New] Consider Excerpt when performing quoted search
  • [Fix] Multisite re/index using WP-CLI
  • [Fix] Highlight application with flanking punctuation in some cases
  • [Fix] Highlight application with stemming enabled in some cases
  • [Fix] PHP 8 compatibility
  • [New] de_DE_formal translation
  • [Update] Dependencies


  • [Fix] Global excerpt generation due to newline
  • [Fix] Relevance minimum clause implementation
  • [Fix] Prevent search suggestion output outside main query
  • [Fix] Incorrect fields argument definition in some cases (caused FacetWP facets to not render in some cases)
  • [Improvement] Highlight matching in some cases


  • [New] Added relevance() method to Mods to allow additional manipulation of relevance calculation during searches
  • [Improvement] Refactored WP All Import integration
  • [Fix] Character encoding when finding global excerpts in some cases


  • [New] searchwp\\index\\source\\add_hooks filter to allow prevention of core hook implementation
  • [New] Integration with WP All Import to better react to import processes
  • [Improvement] Global excerpt generation in some cases
  • [Improvement] Indexer state handling when programmatically pausing/unpausing
  • [Fix] Searching Media in the WordPress Admin in some cases
  • [Fix] Handling (omitting) of entries that failed indexing in some cases
  • [Fix] Statistics migration from SearchWP 3 (if Statistics failed to migrate, please open a support ticket for direct assistance)


  • [Change] Partial matching in synonyms has been changed, to apply partial matching add a * wildcard where partial matching should be applied
  • [Change] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Fix] Global excerpt generation in some cases
  • [Fix] Regression introduced in 4.1.12 that prevented results in some cases when setting AND logic to be strict


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [New] Rule for Media to consider filename
  • [New] Rule for Pages and hierarchical CPTs to consider ancestry
  • [New] Rule for Pages and hierarchical CPTs to consider post_parent
  • [New] Edit and View actions for omitted entries
  • [New] Support for Beaver Builder Search Module
  • [Fix] Parallel indexing process when rebuilding index using WP-CLI in some cases
  • [Fix] Customization of post stati in some cases
  • [Improvement] Additional background process health check
  • [Improvement] Handling of synonym input strings in some cases
  • [Improvement] Default regular expression patterns
  • [Update] Dependencies


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Fix] Admin search of hierarchical post types
  • [Fix] Support ticket iframe height minimum in some cases
  • [Improvement] Partial match logic in some cases


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [New] Upper threshold that prevents AND logic when too many terms make it a performance issue (default is 5 token groups)
  • [New] Filter searchwp\\query\\logic\\and\\token_threshold to control AND logic token threshold (return false to disable threshold consideration)
  • [Fix] Issue with searching Users in the WP Admin
  • [Fix] Issue with setting query fields in some cases
  • [Fix] Statistics CSS issue in Safari in some cases


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Fix] Regression introduced in 4.1.9 that prevented saving parent weight transfer
  • [Improved] PDF parsing in some cases


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Fix] Background process cookie validation in some cases


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Improvement] Reduction in index bloat in some cases
  • [Fix] Comment parents being incorrectly returned in some cases
  • [Fix] Error when weight transfer was enabled but no recipient defined
  • [Fix] Error when using PHP8 in some cases


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Improvement] Race condition prevention in background process
  • [Change] Index controller no longer observes site switching, if switching sites you will need to first use the searchwp\\auto_update_providers hook
  • [Change] Keyword stemming enabled by default during setup
  • [Fix] Results when keyword stemming and partial matching is enabled and tokens are exact matches and stemmable
  • [Fix] Statistics migration from SearchWP 3 in some cases
  • [Fix] Automatic integration with page builder plugin in some cases
  • [Fix] Issue with ACF Repeatables not appearing in some cases
  • [Fix] Issue with not being able to add custom Custom Field keys to an Engine Source


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Fix] Multisite performance issue that could lead to an Error in some cases
  • [Fix] Statistics migration from SearchWP v3 (Regression introduced in 4.1.0)


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Fix] Database table index optimization introduced in 4.1.5 in some configurations
  • [Fix] Partial matches with stemming enabled during AND logic in some cases
  • [Improvement] AND logic handling in some cases


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Fix] Exact match buoy in partial match logic
  • [Fix] Implementation of query when site is set to \'all\' to search all network sites
  • [Improvement] Partial match logic
  • [Improvement] Handling of invalid tokens when finding partial matches
  • [Improvement] Performance when applying delta index updates
  • [Improvement] Performance when dropping Entries
  • [Improvement] Handling of duplicate tokens in some cases
  • [Improvement] Native integration in non-standard environments (e.g. page builders)


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Fix] Error during partial match application on synonyms in some cases
  • [Fix] Admin search handling in some cases


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Fix] Synonym partial matches in some cases
  • [Fix] Statistics display with Statistics capability but not Settings capability
  • [Fix] HTTP Basic Auth credentials regression introduced in 4.1.0
  • [Fix] AND logic performance regression introduced in 4.1.0 in some cases
  • [Improvement] AND logic performance in some cases
  • [Improvement] Background process health check coverage
  • [Improvement] PHP 8 compatibility


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Improvement] Indexer handling of concurrent invocations, health check/restart when process encounters Errors
  • [Improvement] Indexer in multisite environment
  • [Fix] AND logic restrictions in some cases


  • [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [Fix] Error when highlighting in some cases


  • [IMPORTANT] Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using Comments for any Post Type Source you will need to edit your Engine and rebuild your index, this is not done automatically and should be planned for when updating)
  • [New] Refactored indexer for stability, reliability, and performance optimization
  • [New] searchwp\\index\\update_entry action when an Entry is updated in the Index
  • [New] searchwp\\debug\\front_end_summary filter to control whether the HTML comment summary is output when debugging is enabled
  • [New] wp searchwp reindex WP-CLI command
  • [New] wp searchwp diagnostics WP-CLI command
  • [New] Primary keys added to database tables for new installs where previously there were none
  • [New] Adds $query property to \\SWP_Query to reference underlying query object
  • [New] searchwp\\source\\comment\\parent_attribution\\strict hook to control whether SearchWP is strict about parent attribution which can introduce overhead in some cases
  • [New] SearchWP will now generate more expected variations of regex pattern matches
  • [New] searchwp\\tokens\\generate_parttern_match_variations filter to control whether additional pattern match variations are generated during indexing
  • [New] Ability to enter custom ignored queries for Statistics (with wildcard * support)
  • [New] Ability to automatically trim Statistics logs
  • [New] Notice when WordPress available memory can be improved
  • [New] Export/import now optionally includes Settings, Stopwords, and Synonyms
  • [New] All ACF fields are displayed in the Custom Fields dropdown when applicable, not only ACF \"Repeatables\"
  • [New] Synonyms actions: Sort ASC, Sort DESC, Clear
  • [Change] Refines default data indexed for Taxonomy Terms to be: taxonomy name, term name, term slug, and term description
  • [Change] Abstracts Statistics Dashboard Widget from jquery-ui-tabs
  • [Improvement] Indexer auto-scaling when server load is high
  • [Improvement] Handling of HTML-formed content during indexing
  • [Improvement] Integration of partial matches and keyword stemming
  • [Improvement] Indexer delta trigger specificity in some cases
  • [Improvement] Document processing handling, footprint
  • [Improvement] Highlighting when a suggested search has been returned
  • [Fix] Prevent duplicate results during weight transfer in some cases
  • [Fix] AND logic restriction, performance in some cases
  • [Fix] Persistent dismissal of missing integration notice
  • [Fix] Synonyms management in some cases
  • [Update] Dependencies
  • [Update] Translation source
  • [Update] Interface updates and refinements


  • [Fix] Fixes regression introduced by Shortcodes fix in 4.0.33 (proper fix in Shortcodes 1.8.2)
  • [Update] Updated updater


  • [New] searchwp\\swp_query\\mods filter to add Mods to SWP_Query
  • [Fix] PHP Warning introduced in 4.0.32
  • [Fix] Prevention of duplicate indexing processes in some cases
  • [Fix] Display issue on Statistics screen
  • [Fix] PHP Warning when Admin color schemes have been removed
  • [Fix] PDF parsing taking place unnecssarily in some cases
  • [Improvement] Disable searchwp_search_results Shortcode when generating excerpts so as to prevent unwanted loop


  • [Fix] Duplicate indexer processes in some cases
  • [Fix] Inaccurate batch size handling in some cases
  • [Fix] Prevent redundant search suggestion output in some cases
  • [Improvement] Post stati validation when parent attribution is enabled
  • [Improvement] Attachment status handling over time
  • [New] RAND(seed) support by suffixing random Mod order_by with a colon and seed e.g. random:10 will be RAND(10)


  • [Improvement] Adds NOT IN option to Media File Type Rule
  • [Improvement] Debug HTML comment block output during Admin requests
  • [Fix] Custom Attribute Options not returning proper Label after saving
  • [Fix] Relocate searchwp\\query\\search_string hook to fire earlier
  • [Fix] Issue when performing cross-site Multisite search
  • [Fix] searchwp\\query\\tokens\\limit default value
  • [New] Action searchwp\\query\\core_mods_out_of_bounds fires when core Mods are considered out of bounds


  • [Fix] UI changes introduced by WordPress 5.5
  • [Fix] Global excerpt generation from search suggestions
  • [Fix] Synonym migration from SearchWP 3.x


  • [Fix] Token handling in some cases
  • [Fix] Document content handling when using alternate indexer in some cases
  • [Improvement] Tokenization of HTML in some cases
  • [New] searchwp\\entry\\update_data\\before action fired before Entry data is retrieved
  • [Update] Bundle dependencies


  • [Fix] Prevent inapplicable comment edit events from triggering delta updates
  • [Improvement] Reduced index method checks
  • [Improvement] Reactivity when observing meta updates


  • [Fix] File Content meta box display in some cases
  • [Fix] Entries not being reintroduced after failing when using alternate indexer
  • [Fix] Display of Source Attribute Options when statically defined
  • [Fix] UI display edge cases
  • [Change] Token handling chunked in more cases so as to avoid issues when hosts limit query character length


  • [Fix] Handling of SWP_Query tax_query argument
  • [New] Advanced setting checkbox to control whether stored document content is purged and re-indexed during index rebuilds
  • [Update] Translation source


  • [Fix] Regression introduced in 4.0.24 when utilizing PDF Metadata
  • [Improvement] Note displayed in SearchWP Document Content meta box when document is queued but not yet processed
  • [Update] Translation source


  • [Fix] Handling of PDF metadata that includes invalid characters
  • [Fix] Searching of hierarchical post types in the Admin
  • [Improvement] Performance when handling documents outside the indexing process
  • [Update] Bundle dependencies


  • [Fix] Utilize previously extracted PDF metadata instead of parsing it repeatedly
  • [Change] Updated default batch size for Media to 3, can be customized with searchwp\\indexer\\batch_size\\post.attachment hook
  • [Improvement] Handling of urlencoded tokens in some cases


  • [New] Query parameter support for post_type when using SWP_Query (additional parameter support is planned)
  • [Fix] Issue with partial matching yielding zero results in some cases
  • [Fix] Quoted search support for WP_Post Content, Document Content
  • [Improvement] Reduced debug log volume (logs should be deleted once you\'re done debugging)


  • [New] New filter searchwp\\source\\post\\db_where to customize global WHERE limits per post type
  • [New] License key is automatically activated when provided via constant or hook
  • [Fix] Error on uninstall when removing all data
  • [Fix] Issue where Mods were not applied to SWP_Query in some cases
  • [Change] No longer relying on excerpt_more when working with excerpts, now using ellipsis filtered by searchwp\\utils\\excerpt_more
  • [Improvement] Handling of rare cases where index would need to be woken up repeatedly in order to build
  • [Improvement] Omits redundant Entry retrieval in some cases
  • [Improvement] Significant performance retrieval when generating excerpts (e.g. Highlighting)
  • [Improvement] Advanced Custom Fields integration support


  • [Notice] Mods have in part been cleaned up and refined in this release, which may affect your usage. Please review any Mods you are using by testing this update on a staging server. If you are manipulating relevance weight based on date, it is likely you will need to update your hooks. Snippets have been updated on the KB article for review. Please also ensure your SearchWP Extensions are up to date as well.
  • [Fix] Source Mod WHERE clauses causing errors in some cases
  • [Fix] Raw Mod WHERE clauses had no local alias to utilize
  • [Fix] Mod JOIN claus order was not retained causing errors in some cases
  • [Improvement] Optimized Mod handling in SWP_Query
  • [Improvement] Disable integration extension checks when doing AJAX


  • [Fix] Error when using mod argument of \\SearchWP\\Query parameters array
  • [Improvement] Control over Settings page navigation


  • [Note] Rebuilding your index using the Rebuild Index button on the Engines tab of the SearchWP settings screen is recommended after updating
  • [Fix] Delta update regression introduced in 4.0.13
  • [Fix] Error when applying delta update to Source that no longer exists
  • [Improvement] Handling of delta update process during failures
  • [Improvement] Delta update queue handling during index rebuild


  • [Fix] Invalid range in character class introduced in 4.0.15 for PHP 7.3+
  • [Change] searchwp\\tokens\\whitelist\\only_full_matches retagged as searchwp\\tokens\\regex_patterns\\only_full_matches
  • [Change] searchwp\\tokens\\apply_rules_to_whitelist retagged as searchwp\\tokens\\apply_rules_to_pattern_matches
  • [Change] searchwp\\tokens\\whitelist_regex_patterns retagged as searchwp\\tokens\\regex_patterns
  • [Change] Regex pattern matches are now tokenized during indexing (but remain exclusive when searching by default when applicable)
  • [New] Filter searchwp\\tokens\\tokenize_pattern_matches\\indexing to disable new tokenizing of pattern match behavior during indexing


  • [New] New filter searchwp\\tokens\\string to customize strings before tokenization
  • [Fix] Handling of synonyms when finding partial matches
  • [Fix] Implementation and handling of regex pattern match tokenization setting
  • [Improvement] Dash/hyphen and word match regex patterns
  • [Improvement] searchwp\\source\\post\\excerpt_haystack filter now passes arguments array
  • [Update] Translation source


  • [Fix] Issue where partial matches from keyword stems were not found in some cases
  • [Fix] Partial match token processing limited to applicable site(s)
  • [Fix] Excerpt generation when handling unregistered Shortcodes


  • [Fix] Delta update routine when using alternate indexer that caused unwanted exit
  • [Fix] searchwp\\document\\content implementation
  • [Improvement] Index integrity check when rebuilding
  • [Improvement] Source hook management in multisite
  • [Improvement] Upgrade routine process


  • [Fix] Inability to filter searchwp\\settings\\capability
  • [Fix] Issue with Highlighting in some cases
  • [Fix] Document Content not properly considered for global excerpt in some cases
  • [Fix] Warning when reacting to invalid Entry during indexing
  • [Fix] Namespace issue with PDF parsing in some cases
  • [Fix] Unnecessary provider reset when switching to the same site in multisite
  • [Update] Updated updater


  • [Fix] Loss of tokens when applying partial match logic in some cases
  • [Update] Revised MySQL minimum to 5.6 (MariaDB 10.0) because of utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci collation requirement


  • [Fix] Regression introduced in 4.0.6 that prevented non WP_Post results from returning


  • [Fix] Issue where taxonomy Rules for Media were not applied correctly in some cases


  • [Fix] Mod WHERE clauses not restricted to Source when defined


  • [Change] Post is now returned when parent weight transfer is enabled but Post has no post_parent
  • [Improvement] Excerpt handling for native results
  • [Improvement] Additional prevention of invalid WP_Post results being returned in one case


  • [New] Filter to control stemmer locale searchwp\\stemmer\\locale
  • [Improvement] Token stems/partial matches are considered during AND logic pass
  • [Fix] String not sent to searchwp\\stemmer\\custom
  • [Change] searchwp\\query\\partial_matches\\buoy is now opt-in


  • [Fix] Issue where AND logic would not apply in some cases
  • [Fix] Issue where additional unnecessary query clauses are added in some cases
  • [Fix] Issue with delta updates not processing when HTTP Basic Auth is active
  • [Fix] Minimum PHP version requirement check (which is 7.2)


  • [Fix] Issue where tokens table was not reset during index rebuild


  • [New] Support for BETWEEN, NOT BETWEEN, LIKE, and NOT LIKE compare operators for Mod WHERE clauses
  • [Fix] Handling of Mod WHERE clauses in some cases
  • [Fix] Handling of REST parameters when returning search results


  • [New] Check for remnants of SearchWP 3 that were not removed as per the Migration Guide
  • [New] searchwp\\source\\post\\attributes\\comments action when retrieving Post comments
  • [Fix] Handling of empty search strings in some cases


  • [New] Complete rewrite of SearchWP

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