

Long time SearchWP customers are familiar with the limitation that while SearchWP itself offers automatic updates, Extensions don’t. This is unfortunate for a number of reasons as Extensions (like SearchWP core) receive periodic updates that include bug fixes and new features. Extension updates are admittedly sporadic, extensions are designed to be ultra-small modifications to the way SearchWP operates. But unless you’re in the habit of manually checking the extension page on you wouldn’t know about the update being available.

The times have changed!

Over the past month or so all Extensions have been inheriting an improvement that was made to the licensing platform powering SearchWP’s licenses. Long story short: all of your extensions can now receive automatic updates!

NOTE: Extensions simply utilize your SearchWP license, there is no need (and nowhere) to enter in an additional license key!

With this change comes an improvement to the extensions pages themselves. In addition to the download link, docs, and other information, the current version and changelog are displayed as well. This should help you determine whether you need to update to an auto-updating update of your extension (haha!)

So be sure to check out the new Extensions pages and update any that need updating!

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See what SearchWP customers have to say

  • “we use searchwp on numerous projects, as it is a well coded plugin that extends wordpress on vital functions for data-heavy websites.”

  • “We needed to index a website with lots of page content and woocommerce products. SearchWP delivers a lot of useful default functions and setting up was easy with the help of the extensive documentation.”

  • “We have been looking for a solution that also includes a similarity search and typo correction. With SearchWP we have found exactly that. Download, install, done.”