

Since: 4.1.0

Table of Contents

Teach the Indexer HTTP Basic Authentication credentials.

Note: these credentials are for HTTP Basic Authentication, not your WordPress login credentials.


Type Parameter Default Since
Array $credentials
Key Type Value
username String Username
password String Password


All hooks should be added to your custom SearchWP Customizations Plugin.

Provide HTTP Basic Authentication credentials

// Provide HTTP Basic Authentication credentials to SearchWP (and WP Cron).
class MySearchWPBasicAuthCreds {
private $username = 'username'; // HTTP Basic Auth username.
private $password = 'password'; // HTTP Basic Auth password.
function __construct() {
// Provide HTTP Basic Authentication credentials to SearchWP.
function( $credentials ) {
return [
'username' => $this->username,
'password' => $this->password,
// Also provide HTTP Basic Authentication credentials to WP Cron.
// This can be removed if handled elsewhere, otherwise *REQUIRED*
add_filter( 'cron_request', function( $cron_request ) {
if ( ! isset( $cron_request['args']['headers'] ) ) {
$cron_request['args']['headers'] = [];
if ( isset( $cron_request['args']['headers']['Authorization'] ) ) {
return $cron_request;
$cron_request['args']['headers']['Authorization'] = sprintf(
'Basic %s',
base64_encode( $this->username . ':' . $this->password )
return $cron_request;
}, 999 );
new MySearchWPBasicAuthCreds();

How to use this code