
This Documentation is for SearchWP Version 3

Actions & Settings

Advanced Settings

The Actions & Settings area of the Advanced settings screen allows you to perform common actions and configure popular settings.

Note that performing some Actions or toggling some Settings may require follow-up actions (e.g. resetting the index) at which time a notice will be displayed.

Reset Index
Reset (empty) the current index. This operation is necessary from time to time, particularly when making changes that require the index to be rebuilt. Once confirmed, the index will be emptied and a rebuild will be triggered in the background.
Wake Up Indexer
If the index progress is not advancing, this button will wake up the indexer in case it has stalled.
Restore Notices
If you have dismissed any notices this button will restore them.


Debugging Enabled
Whether debugging is enabled.
Parse Shortcodes when indexing
Whether Shortcodes are parsed (expanded, processed) during the indexing process.
Reduced indexer aggressiveness
By default SearchWP will monitor resource usage during indexing, but ticking this box will forcefully reduce how aggressively the index is built
Admin engine
Enable interception of searches in the WordPress Admin (Dashboard) and define the engine used for those searches. Note: any existing filters in place are not applied during searches.
Exclusive regex matches
By default SearchWP will index pattern matches alongside tokenized versions of those matches. Tick this checkbox to index only the pattern match and not the tokens generated from that pattern match.
Use alternate indexer
Whether a browser-based indexer should be used (as opposed to the default background indexer)
Partial matches when applicable
Whether partial matches should be considered for searches. This is a big deal and should be enabled only when necessary. More information on partial matches
Remove minimum word length
Much like Stopwords, words with too few characters are omitted from the index (default is 3)
Highlight terms in results
Whether search terms are highlighted in titles/excerpts on search results pages. More information
Automatic “Did you mean?” corrections
When no results are found, attempt to find the closest match automatically. More information
Support “quoted/phrase searches”
Limit results to exact matches of search phrases wrapped in double quotes. More information (caveats!)
Remove all data on uninstall
Whether SearchWP should remove all data (index and all settings) when deleted using the Plugins page in the WordPress Admin.