

How to Fix Divi Search Not Working (X Solutions)

Want to know how to fix Divi search not working?

That’s an essential task since visitors who can’t find what they’re looking for on your site are likely to leave it immediately.

In this guide, we’ll cover the most popular reasons why Divi search on your site may not work and how to fix the problem.

Feel free to use the table of contents to faster navigate through this article:

4 Common Examples of Divi Search Not Working

To get started, let’s look at the 4 most popular reasons why Divi search might not work on your site.

Weak WordPress Search

The first reason is WordPress itself.

Even though it’s a powerful and convenient content management system, it has a rather weak search engine.

No wonder when you do a search and get no results, you might think it’s broken.

For example, the default WordPress search engine doesn’t:

  • Search for custom post types
  • Consider post categories, custom fields, and tags
  • Have proper integration with eCommerce plugins
  • Index content of documents and PDF files
  • Allow you to customize your search
  • And many more…

We’ll show you how to make search on your site smarter later in this article.

Or, you can skip ahead to the solution and learn how to create an advanced Divi search right now.

Theme Incompatibility

Another reason why your Divi search may not work is the incompatibility of Divi with your current WordPress theme.

Not every theme is compatible with page builders by default, so if it’s your case, the Divi search module may simply not work.

We’ll show you how to find out if your theme is compatible with the Divi Builder later in this article.

Or, you can skip ahead to the solution and learn how to fix theme incompatibility right now.

Plugin Conflict

You may also have problems with Divi search in case of a plugin conflict.

There are a lot of plugins for WordPress, and not all of them are compatible with each other.

That’s especially true for unpopular plugins whose developers have stopped updating them.

If you use one of them on your site, it can cause problems not only with Divi but with any other plugins.

We’ll show you how to figure out if a plugin conflict is causing problems with your Divi search page later in this article.

Or you can skip ahead and check out how to fix a plugin conflict right now.

Outdated Version of Divi or WordPress

Another possible reason for Divi search not working is outdated versions of Divi or WordPress.

It’s crucial to update WordPress and the plugins you use on your site in time due to security and compatibility reasons.

We’ll show you how to check if everything is up to date later in this article. Or, you can skip ahead to the solution and learn how to update your Divi and WordPress right now.

How to Fix Divi Search Not Working

After we’ve learned the most popular reasons Divi search may not work on your site, let’s look at how to deal with them.

The easiest way to improve search on your WordPress site is to use a plugin like SearchWP.

SearchWP logo

SearchWP is the best WordPress search plugin on the market, with over 30,000 active installs.

It helps you customize the search on your site to meet your needs with no need of coding or deep WordPress knowledge.

With SearchWP, you can allow visitors to search for posts by tags and custom fields, limit the search to specific post content, change the order of search results, and more.

Here are some other amazing features of this plugin:

  • Fully compatible with Divi. SearchWP automatically integrates with the Divi search module, allowing you to start improving your search right away.
  • AJAX live search. Show search results on your site in real-time to help your visitors find the content they’re looking for faster.
  • Fuzzy search. Help your visitors find the right content, even if they made a typo in a search query, to increase the number of pageviews you get.
  • WooCommerce integration. Make product attributes searchable on your site to give your customers a new way to search for products and boost your sales.

With that being said, let’s start customizing the search on your site to make it smarter with SearchWP.

Step 1: Install and Activate the SearchWP Plugin

The first step is to download SearchWP and install it on your site.

To get started, go and grab your copy of SearchWP here.

Next, log in to your SearchWP dashboard and navigate the Downloads tab.

go to the Downloads tab

Once there, click the Download SearchWP button and save the plugin’s ZIP file to your computer.

press Download SearchWP

After downloading, copy your SearchWP license key in the lower left corner.

copy the license key

Now you’re ready to install the plugin on your website.

Need a refresher on how to do that? You can refer to our detailed guide on installing a WordPress plugin.

Once you install SearchWP on your site, you’ll need to activate it with your license key.

To get started, point your cursor over the SearchWP button at the top of your WordPress dashboard and choose the Activate License option from the drop-down menu.

click Activate License

After you get to the activation page, paste your license key into the License field and press Activate.

click Activate

Now you’re ready to move on to the next step and customize your search to make it smarter.

Step 2: Customize Your Divi Search to Make it Smarter

To get started, navigate to the Engines tab in your SearchWP settings.

go to the Engines tab

On this tab, you can find your search engines created with SearchWP.

the list of your search engines

By setting up a search engine, you can control how search works on your site.

For example, you can manage where WordPress searches for matches, which attributes it should consider, which categories to exclude, and more.

SearchWP allows you to create multiple search engines and connect them to individual Divi search fields on your site.

As you can see, there is only the Default search engine right now. It controls all of the existing search forms on your site.

Since we want to make search smart throughout our site, we will configure it.

First, let’s manage among which types of content WordPress will perform searches.

Manage Your Search Sources

To get started, click Sources & Settings under the Default search engine section.

click Sources and Settings

Then, check the boxes next to the search sources you want WordPress to consider. The defaults are Posts, Pages, and Media.

manage your search sources

Let’s say we want to limit the search on our site to posts since that’s the main type of content we publish.

We’ll need to uncheck all search sources except the Posts to do that.

uncheck all sources except Posts

When you’re finished managing your search sources, press Done to save the changes.

press Done to save your search sources

Enable Search by Custom Fields, Tags, and Categories

Now, let’s make WordPress consider post custom fields, tags, and categories when performing a search. It’ll help our visitors to find the right content.

To get started, click on the Posts search source to open its settings.

click on the Posts search source

Next, click on the Add/Remove Attributes button.

click Add Remove attributes

After you see the Manage Post Attributes window, click on the Custom Fields field and choose the Any Meta Key option.

add Any Meta Key shortcut

Any Meta Key is the built-in SearchWP shortcut. By adding it, you can automatically make every custom field you have on your site searchable.

Once you’ve done that, also click the Taxonomies field and choose the Categories and Tags taxonomies.

add Tags and Categories taxonomies

Making these taxonomies searchable allows your visitors to search for posts by their tags and categories.

After you’ve finished managing the attributes, click Done.

Save Your Divi Search Engine

When you’re happy with how you customized your Divi search engine, click Save Engines to save all changes you’ve made.

click Save Engines

After that, click the Rebuild Index button to let WordPress know about new rules for performing searches.

click Rebuild Index

That’s it. Your Divi search is now much smarter, and you’ll always find what you’re looking for.

Let’s make sure of that by creating a new separate Divi search page and testing our new search engine.

Step 3: Create a Divi Search Page

To get started, navigate to Pages » Add New in your WordPress dashboard.

go to Pages Add New

Next, click on the Use Divi Builder button.

click Use Divi Builder

On the following screen, select the Build From Scratch option.

choose the Build from scratch option

Then, choose the row layout that suits you best. For example, we’ll select the first one.

choose a row layout

Once done, search for the Search module and click on it to add it to the page.

search for the Search module

Then click the green check mark icon to save your changes.

click the green check mark icon

When you’re happy with how your search page looks, click the three-dot icon at the bottom of the page.

click three dot icon

Then, click Publish to publish your page.

click Publish

Step 4: Test Your New Advanced Search in Divi

The next step is to test your new search engine. To do that, open the Divi search page you published and search for some search term.

For example, we have several posts on our site with the “Tutorial” custom field. Let’s try to find them only by this field to try out our new search.

click Find Results

As you can see, we found our posts, even though they don’t contain the word “Tutorial” in the title, excerpts, or content.

we found the posts

It means that our Divi search became smarter, as now it considers post custom fields when performing a search.

It’ll make it easier for visitors to find the content they want and reduce the number of cases of missing search results.

After we learned how to customize your Divi search, let’s take a look at other solutions.

How to Fix Theme Incompatibility

The first step is to find out if the incompatibility of your theme actually causes your Divi search problems.

The fastest and easiest way to do that is to switch to one of the default WordPress themes.

To get started, navigate to Appearance » Themes in your WordPress dashboard.

go to Themes

Then, find one of the default themes, for example – Twenty Twenty-Two, and click Activate under its section.

activate a new theme

After you’ve switched to a default WordPress theme, check out how the search works.

If it works fine now, then the problem was in the incompatibility of your theme with Divi.

The best solution in this case is to use a theme that is fully compatible with Divi. It’ll help avoid errors not only with search but also with other elements of your site.

But, if search still doesn’t work even after you’ve changed themes, the root of the problem lies somewhere else.

For example, it can also happen as a result of a plugin conflict.

How to Fix Plugin Conflict

To check if the plugin conflict causes problems with your Divi search, you’ll need to deactivate all plugins except for the Divi Builder.

To get started, navigate to the Plugins tab in your WordPress dashboard.

go to the Plugins tab

Once there, tick the leftmost checkbox to select all the plugins installed on your site at once.

check all plugins

After that, uncheck the Divi Builder plugin.

uncheck the Divi builder

Next, click on the Build actions drop-down menu, choose the Deactivate option, and click Apply.

deactivate all plugins

After you’ve deactivated all the plugins on your site except Divi Builder, check to see if your search now works.

If so, a plugin conflict was the reason Divi search wasn’t working on your site.

The best solution in this case is to gradually activate plugins one by one until you find the one that’s causing problems with search.

If your Divi search still doesn’t work, check out the following solution.

How to Update Your Divi and WordPress Versions

First, let’s check out if your WordPress is up to date.

To do that, navigate to your dashboard and see if there is a message saying that a new version of WordPress is available.

update your version of WordPress

If so, click the Please update now link to update to the latest version of WordPress.

click Update Now

The next step is to check your version of Divi. To get started, navigate to the Plugins tab in your WordPress dashboard.

navigate to the Plugins tab

Then, find the Divi Builder plugin and check if it has the “There is a new version of Divi Builder available” message under its section.

update your version of Divi

If so, click the Update now link to update your Divi version.

click Update now to update your Divi version

After you make sure your site has the latest available version of WordPress and Divi, go and check your search.

If it still doesn’t work even after you’ve tried everything we’ve talked about in this guide, you should contact Divi customer service.

From this guide, you’ve learned a few solutions on how to fix Divi search not working on your site.

We hope it helped you to solve the problem and give your visitors the best search experience.

Ready to empower your Divi search? You can get started with SearchWP here.

Wonder how to create a beautiful search page using Divi? Check out how to create a Divi search results page template tutorial.

You may also be interested in our selection of the best WordPress page builders for newbies.

Want to make your search awesome right now?

More than 30,000 sites have chosen SearchWP!

You can utilize all of the content that’s gone unrecognized by native WordPress keyword search instantly with SearchWP.

Get SearchWP for just $99

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See what SearchWP customers have to say

  • “Jonathan, the developer, was very responsive to my questions and even made me some custom code modifications. Wonderful service!”

  • “I had some difficulties to get different results if users are logged in or not. Support was more than code snippets. Complete functions were sent to add in the function.php of my child theme. Very competent and very friendly support! -Henner”

  • “Search is sort of important to Google. It’s also essential to the users on your own site. If your users are searching for something on your site and don’t find it, they’re likely going to get upset and leave your site. SearchWP fixes everything.”